Wednesday, July 9, 2008

15 FHE Games

Author: unknown

Game Ideas:

1. Buy several candy bars, enough for the family plus some extra. Put them in a pile in the middle of the circle of chairs so that everyone can see them.Put a pair of dice in a pie plate. Then you just start sending it around the circle. Everyone shakes the dice into the pie plate when it comes to them. You have to roll a double, 7, or 11 in order to choose a candy bar from the pile. When you roll a double, 7, or 11 you can choose a bar from the pile, or you can take a candy from whoever has the one you want. When you take a bar, you should put it under your chair. You can't put it behind your back so that it is totally out of sight, but you can hide it a bit so that some people might forget about the one that you have. It gets fun when you start taking the candy from other people. When all the candy is gone from the pile, or at the end of a designated playing time, whatever candy you do or do not have, is what you get.

2. Pass around a roll of toilet paper. Everyone tears off as much as they 'need'. Then for every square they have to tell something about their day.

3. Draw It Out: Everyone picks a name of a family member and tells no one. Then they have to draw something about the person that will help others guess who it is.

4. The Blanket Game: Divide group into 2 teams. Have each team gather on their own blanket. They must, as a team, turn the blanket over without touching the floor, if they touch the floor they must straighten out the blanket and start over. The first team to accomplish this wins. Size of blanket depends on size of group. If it's a smaller family use crib blankets.

5. Don't Eat Pete: Draw 12 squares on a piece of paper. Place one piece of candy on each square. Choose a person to leave the room while the others decide which square will be "Pete." The person comes back in and begins choosing the candies one by one. If he/she chooses "Pete," everyone yells out "DON'T EAT PETE!!!" and the round is over. Any candy that he has chosen he gets to keep. Replenish the candy and send the next person out...continue until everyone has had a turn.

6. The Snake Game: For this game you will need approx. 20 small treats (M&M's raisins, etc), 20 toothpicks, a die and 1 large treat (candy bar, bag of licorice etc). Set up as per diagram. Players take turns rolling the die. If they roll a 1 or a 6 they win the object at the snake's tail end. If it is a treats the player can eat it, if it is a toothpick, the player keeps it in a pile. Continue until the last toothpick is won. The player with the most toothpicks wins the large reat.

7. Lehi and the Liahona: A person chosen is removed from the room. Another person hides Lehi. Once Lehi is hidden, the Liahona is used to find him. The person removed, comes back and is given the Liahona while the rest of the players sing a song, any song. As the player searching for Lehi gets closer the players sing louder. As the player moves further away, the players sing softer. The person searching, pretends that the Liahona is guiding him/her. To adapt for younger players, saying hot and cold instead of singing can be used.

8. Pig: Players take turns rolling the die and racking up points. They can roll as many times as they want, but if they roll a 1, they lose all their points for that turn. When they elect to stop, they write down their scores and pass the die to the next player. The first player to reach 100 wins.

9. Word of Wisdom Body Building: Glue the following list of scripture references to a sheet of heavy paper, then cut out. Place scripture references in bowl or sack. Draw a simple outline of a body and cut it up by body parts (ie. 2 legs, 2 arms, 2 hands etc. The more detailed the longer the game). You will need one "body puzzle" per person playing. Layout body parts on the table.To play the game: Each player starts with any two body parts. One player draws a reference strip and reads the verse aloud from the scriptures. For each good food mentioned in the scripture, the player takes an additional body part. He must put back a body part for each harmful substance mentioned in the scripture. Players take turns drawing reference strips. The player who first builds a complete body is the winner. If, after all the reference strips have been drawn, no player has completed a body, put all the strips back into the bowl or sack and continue playing. If a player draws a scripture that mentions harmful substances and he has no body parts, the player is not penalized. Below is a list of good and harmful foods that you will find mentioned in the scriptures.Good Foods: Grain, Water, Herbs, Grapes, Loaves, Milk, Honey, Wheat, Venison, Corn, Fruit, Water, Butter, Meat, Honeycomb.Harmful Foods: Wine, Strong drink (alcohol), Tobacco, Poison, Hot drinks (tea and coffee)Scripture References: 1 Kgs. 17:11 Ex. 17:6 Alma 8:21 1 Ne. 4:7 D&C 89:8 Gen 36:9 Isa. 5:22 1 Chr. 21:20 Job 1:13 Hel. 11:13 Ruth 2:2 Gen 27:7 Gen. 18:8 Gen. 40:10 D&C 38:18 D&C 89:7 Mosiah 22:7 Alma 55:30 D&C 89:11 Matt. 14:17 D&C 89:14 Gen. 41:5 Deut. 26:9 Judg. 4:19 Mosiah 11:15 Luke 1:15 Isa. 24:9 Gen. 43:31 Lev. 10:9 D&C 89:9 Judg. 13:4 Luke 24:42 1 Sam. 17:18 D&C 89:10

10. Know your Standard Works: The leader calls out the name of a book from the standard works and the family names the particular works from which it comes. Example: Peter. Answer: New Testament.

11. Guess Who You Are: The names of famous scriptural or church history characters are written on small cards, one on each card. A cards is pinned on the back of each player. By questions that can be answered yes or no, each family member is to guess the name on his/her back.

12. Scripture Shout: Divide into 2 groups. Group 1 picks a scripture that the family knows (maybe use the monthly scriptures for that year in Primary!). Yell out the scripture simultaneously, each individual shouting one assigned word or phrase. The remaining group has to figure out the scripture.

13. Prophets: Use a bean bag to toss to the children. When a child catches it, they must name a prophet (ancient or modern). This can also be done by naming the temples.

14. Scripture Baseball: Prepare ahead signs that say 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Home, Pitcher. Place signs around the room in the shape of a baseball diamond. On index cards write approx.15 questions based on the scriptures with answers referenced. Difficult questions are labelled ³Home Run². Divide into teams, each with a pitcher selected who chooses the first question from the stack and reads it to his first batter. If the batter gives the correct answer, he moves to first base and the next batter is up. If the next question is also answered correctly, batters each move ahead 1 base, etc. until one comes home to SCORE. If a player misses a question, his team is OUT and the other team is UP TO BAT. Team with the highest score wins.

15. Script-Tac-Toe: Provide a large tic-tac-toe pattern on the board. Place a number 1-9 at random in each square. Prepare 1-3 lists of 9scripture-related questions each. Have several questions which only the moderator knows are ³FREE spot² questions. When a team chooses a Free-spot question and answers it correctly, they can place their mark over any one unused number on the board. Divide into Team ³X² and Team ³O². Teams take turns selecting a number from the board and hearing the question. A correct answer gets their mark placed in that numbered square. An incorrect answer allows the opposing team a chance to answer the question for a point. First team to make a Tic-tac-toe in a diagonal or straight line wins the game.


Anonymous said...

awesome activities!!a

Unknown said...

Really like the idea of having each person draw a picture about a secret person to have others guess who it is.